You must be aware that pediatric dental emergencies are common and require immediate action. Your child’s teeth can be saved from permanent extraction if handled swiftly and with extreme care. In our previous blog, we have explained 4 factors that decide the qualification for emergency dental care in El Paso. However, emergency dentists have expertise in handling dental emergencies.
Understanding Emergency Dental Care in El Paso:
Dental emergencies put you in life-threatening situations. Severe facial bone trauma, uncontrollable bleeding, broken teeth, broken jawline, loss of dental fillings or crowns are the most common occurrences of dental emergencies. You must visit an emergency dental care in El Paso as soon as possible. If ignored, it can develop into a difficult situation.
7 Emergency Dental Care for Children With Kids Dentistry in El Paso:
- Knocked Out Tooth: Knocked out teeth occur frequently. If this happens, you must try to stop the bleeding first. In the case of a baby tooth, you won’t be able to save it. But if it is a primary tooth and involves roots, you must put it into a cup of milk. Without delay, you must rush to your nearest dental clinic in El Paso.
- Chipped, Cracked, and Fractured Teeth: Chipped and cracked teeth can also happen due to poor oral hygiene. In case of a dental emergency, it happens due to dental trauma.
- Loose Tooth: Accidents happen without notice. If your child faces a loose primary tooth, it will fall very soon. At the age of six, most kids start to lose teeth. Kids dentistry in El Paso will follow proper procedures.
- Lip, Cheek, or Tongue Injuries: Traumatic injury on the lip, cheek, or tongue can happen due to sports-related trauma.
- Possibility of a Broken Jawline: Your child can experience nausea, vomiting, extreme pain in the jawline, breathing troubles, trouble while earring or talking due to this. Judging the exact situation is necessary to affix an emergency dental implants in El Paso.
- Stuck Any Objects in The Mouth or Teeth: You must not use sharp instruments to remove the thing stuck in the mouth. Consult a dentist as fast as possible.
- Toothache: Toothaches are very common due to poor oral hygiene or trauma. A severe toothache can indicate a possibility of a dental emergency and need to visit a dentist near you in El Paso.
When to Refer the Kid to a Kid’s Dentistry Emergency Care?
Accidents will always happen out of the blue. If your child is experiencing any of the above-mentioned oral discomforts, you must not delay. Consider consulting a pediatric emergency dentist in El Paso for medical help immediately.
The Finest Emergency Dentist Near You in El Paso?
If you’re in search of the finest pediatric dentistry solutions, you must consider a weekend dentist in El Paso at Agave Dental Care. Agave Dental Care offers comprehensive and standard dentistry solutions and treatments for emergencies related to pediatric dentistry. The clinic has a team of dental professionals led by Dr. Jake. R. Williams at Agave Dental Care. Opt for an appointment with Dr. Jake R. Williams through Agave Dental Care’s website or by calling us at 915-755-7697 / 915-833-0303.